Uptown Cheapskate and Kid to Kid have partnered with buildOn to fund and build schools in rural communities in developing countries. In July 2022, buildOn broke ground for a new school in Pitateng, Burkina Faso funded by your donations. 44% of the population is living below the poverty line of $1.90 a day. More than half of all Burkinabè over the age of 15 are illiterate. There are few educational options for their children. Through your partnership, buildOn was able to provide the village of Pitateng with a proper school block and latrines.
Jocelyne is 13 years old and in the 5th grade and is one of 54 girls in Pitateng who will be able to further empower themselves and their community through education. Jocelyne loves to learn and is passionate about learning. Through the donations we've collected at our Charity Fill-A-Bag Sales, you've helped break the cycle of poverty, illiteracy, and expectations for students like Jocelyne. The students of Pitateng thank you for your donations!
See the other schools we’ve funded and learn about how you can help by participating in our Charity Fill-A-Bag Sales.
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